Last update 01. 01. 2015 |
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Slovakia |
Reference: Ozdín D., 2009-2015: Minerals of Slovakia. |
of occurence in Slovakia:
1 - 2 localities |
Identification rating of mineral
in Slovakia:
1. WELL IDENTIFIED - mostly combination at least 2 most distinguished analytical methods (X -ray diffraction and electron microprobe) 2. PARTIALLY-INDENTIFIED - mineral mostly analyzed, but for well identification is need to make another analyses 3. UNDERIDENTIFIED - mineral mostly identified only visual, often very problematic or fictive |
© 2009-2015 Daniel Ozdín´s mineralogical website. All rights reserved. |
Minerals of Slovakia | |
Laitakarite, lanarkite, langite, laumontite, launayite, lawrencite, lazulite, lazurite, lead, lepidocrocite, leucite, libethenite, lillianite, linarite, lindströmite, linnaeite, liroconite, lithiophorite, lizardite, löllingite, luanheite, ludjibaite. | |
Launayite CuPb10(Sb,As)13S30 mon. | |
Index of occurence in Slovakia: 1 |
Identification rating of mineral in Slovakia: 28 |
Type locality: Taylor Pit, Madoc, Huntingdon Township, Ontario, Canada (Jambor, 1967) | |
Oldest description from Slovakia area: Dúbrava (Adamus et al., 1993) | |
Localities in Slovak Republic (1) and identification rating (in parenthesis): Dúbrava - Ľubelská (2) |
Size: macroscopic | |
Largest crystal from Slovakia area: 3 mm (Dúbrava; Adamus et al., 1993) | |
Picture (from SCAN) is in article of Adamus et al. (1993) | |
Notes: Adamus et al. (1993) have made XRD powder analysis of needles Pb-Sb sulphosalt from Dúbrava which probably correspond with launayite. Their microprobe analysis (no specification this analysis; total is 100.01 wt.%) is no launayite but probably dadsonite (authors don´t analyzed of chlorine) or other Pb-Sb sulphosalt. Moreover according to latest data, launayite contain Cu and As and launayite from Dúbrava contain only 0.27 wt.% As (Cu not analyzed). |
References | |
Adamus B., Jiránek J., Olšovský L., 1993: Launayit - 22 PbS. 13 Sb2S3 - nový minerál na ložisku Sb-rud Dúbrava v Nízkých Tatrách. Mineralia Slovaca, 25, 1, 73-74. (in Slovak) |
Jambor J. L., 1967: New lead sulfantimonides from Madoc, Ontario. Part 2 – Mineral descriptions. Can. Mineral., 9, 191-213. |
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Luanheite Ag3Hg hex. | |
Index of occurence in Slovakia: 1 |
Identification rating of mineral in Slovakia: 28 |
Type locality: Luanheite occurence, Luan river (Luan He) Valley, Pref. Chengde, Prov. Hebei, China (Shao et al., 1984) | |
Oldest description from Slovakia area: Košice - Bankov (Peterec et al., 1993) | |
Localities in Slovak Republic (2) and identification rating (in parenthesis): Košice - Bankov (2), Novoveská Huta (2) |
Size: macroscopic | |
Largest crystal from Slovakia area: - (unknown size of crystals) | |
Picture from electron microprobe (BEI) is in article of Háber et al. (1993) | |
Notes: From territory of Slovak Republic are known some mostly older descriptions of amalgam of silver of which some can probably be luanheite (e. g. from Nižná Slaná). |
References | |
Háber M., Jeleň S., Jeleň M., 1993: Amalgám striebra z Nižnej Slanej a Novoveskej Huty (Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie. Mineralia Slovaca, 25, 1, 45-49. (in Slovak) |
Peterec D., Paučo P., Horský S., Ďuďa R., 1990: Zriedkavá asociácia minerálov z magnezitového ložiska Bankov (Košice). Zborník Východoslovenského múzea, Sér. Prír. vedy, 31, 185-196. (in Slovak) |
Shao D., Zhou J., Zhang J., Bao D., 1984: Luanheite - A new mineral. Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 4, 2, 97-1013. |
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